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Edit a Sheetgo Form

Learn how to edit and sync an existing form

Karoline Fernezlian avatar
Written by Karoline Fernezlian
Updated over a month ago

After creating your Sheetgo Form, you can edit it by adding or changing the columns in the connected spreadsheet.

If you want to edit an already existing form, you can do so by following this guide:

1. Open the workflow

Head to the Sheetgo web app and open the workflow containing the form you want to edit.

2. Edit the spreadsheet

In the workflow canvas, open the spreadsheet containing your form. You can edit the existing columns or add new ones.

If you are planning to edit the format of an existing column, any existing data that has already been submitted via the forms will automatically be converted to the new format.

What is Sync Form? How does it work?

Whenever you change a form's configuration, you need to sync it to update its data. To do this, open the form and click on the three-dot menu (⋮) at the top-right corner.

Now click on Sync form, this will update the form fields to match any changes made on the spreadsheet itself.

Keep in mind that if you click this and it doesn't work, the form will revert to the previous version before you attempt to sync. This can cause issues with how the form transfers the data to the destination spreadsheet.

Form settings

From the three dots menu (), you can also change the form settings.

Under the settings option, you can:

  • Change the title of the form.

  • Add a form description.

  • Change the confirmation message displayed when someone successfully submits this form.

  • Turn on an Advanced sync option to automatically sync the form every time a new response is submitted. We recommend turning this feature on in situations where the form changes available answers after a new response is submitted.

Format text with markdown

Use markdown to format form descriptions and confirmation messages.

Usual formatting:

  • Headers - Use hashtags (#): # Example header

  • Bold - Wrap text in double asterisks: **example text**

  • Italics - Wrap text in double underscores: __example text__

  • Code snippets - Wrap text in with single quotes: `example text`

  • Just add a URL to create a link

Custom formatting:

  • Strikethrough - Wrap text in tildes (~): ~example text~

  • Colored text - Wrap text in tildes, after the first one place a hashtag (#) and the hex color code or a basic color name: ~#ff0 example text~ or ~#red example text~

  • Links with custom text - (custom text)[url]

Delete form

To delete a form from your workflow, go to the same three-dot menu () on the top right corner and click Delete form. This will permanently delete the form, but it won't change any data on the source spreadsheet.

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