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Sync local Excel files from desktop to OneDrive
Sync local Excel files from desktop to OneDrive

Learn how to save files from your computer to OneDrive so you can connect them using Sheetgo.

Karoline Fernezlian avatar
Written by Karoline Fernezlian
Updated over a month ago

To create your Sheetgo automations, your file(s) must be stored online. If you have Excel spreadsheets saved to your computer, you must save and sync them to the cloud before you can use Sheetgo.

If you're a Microsoft user, that means your files must be saved to OneDrive or SharePoint. Syncing a file to the cloud creates an online mirror of the file in your online storage. When you edit the local file on your computer, changes will be mirrored in the online copy automatically.

Once it's saved to the cloud, the online copy can be accessed from anywhere, at any time and you can connect it to an automated Sheetgo workflow.

Save an individual Excel file to OneDrive

You can save an Excel file to OneDrive manually.

  • Open the Excel file and go to File > Save > Save as > OneDrive.

  • Inside the Excel file, you will see the AutoSave button in the top-left corner of the screen. If this is switched on, it indicates that changes to the file are being saved, or backed up, in OneDrive.

Sync local Excel files to OneDrive automatically

The Microsoft OneDrive sync app allows you to sync your local files to the cloud, backing up desktop files and folders automatically.

Get full instructions from the OneDrive Help and Learning Center.

  • If you're using Windows 10 or Office 2016, OneDrive will already be installed on your computer. If not, install it here and sign in.

  • Once OneDrive is installed you will see a cloud icon in your Windows notification area at the bottom right of your screen. Click on this icon to see the status of syncing files.

  • Right-click on the cloud icon to open the app. You can also open OneDrive via the Windows start button on the bottom left of your screen. Type "OneDrive" to locate and open the app.

  • Click Open OneDrive Folder to see which of your local files are syncing to OneDrive.

  • To sync a local file or folder to OneDrive, just drag and drop the file to your OneDrive folder on the list on the left.


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