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What are Sheetgo filters?

Filter data by color, condition, or query, and export it to your desired destination

Karoline Fernezlian avatar
Written by Karoline Fernezlian
Updated over a week ago

By default, Sheetgo will transfer an entire tab or CSV file to the destination. But sometimes, you may not want to transfer all the data. To resolve this issue you can use Sheetgo filters to specify exactly which data to transfer. You can filter data in new or existing automations.

There are 3 ways to filter source data with Sheetgo:

  • By condition.

  • By cell color.

  • By query.

    Captura de Tela 2023-08-15 às 17.18.33

This option lets you create a filter from criteria suggested in a dropdown menu. You can define one or more conditions that the source data must match for Sheetgo to transfer it to the destination file, for example:

  • "Column A" text is equal to a specific name.

  • "Column B" date matches the current month.

  • "Column C" number is greater than 100.

Filter by color is ideal if you prefer a visual approach or use color coding in your spreadsheets. Specify a cell background color, and Sheetgo will only transfer data from cells with that color.

This more advanced filter allows you to extract specific data from your source spreadsheet. Use this option if you want to transfer data only from specific columns or apply a complex set of criteria. Just type an SQL query into the input box.


Compatibility notes:

  • Files must be stored in Google Drive to apply a filter.

  • Filter by color is available for Google Sheets only.

  • Filter by color is not available for Consolidate (merge) connections.

Sheetgo filters open up a world of possibilities for your data management. By enabling you to selectively transfer specific data, you can streamline your workflows, focus on the most relevant information, and enhance your productivity.

Leverage Sheetgo filters to optimize your data handling and make your workflows more efficient and effective.

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