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What is a Sheetgo automation?

Learn how to connect and transfer data between spreadsheets, documents, pdf and emails

Karoline Fernezlian avatar
Written by Karoline Fernezlian
Updated over a month ago

Sheetgo automations form the backbone of your workflow, they allow you to seamlessly transfer data between different files. Whether it's migrating data between spreadsheets, documents, or emails, these automations optimize your processes.

With a diverse range of automations available, they act as customizable building blocks for crafting a tailored system. Each automation contributes as a vital component to your project, enhancing its functionality.

For instance, envision creating a Project Management system. You'd employ a Merge automation to consolidate tasks from various teams into a unified Master file. Incorporating a Filter and Email automation would facilitate receiving daily task notifications for each team. Additionally, integrating a Split automation would ensure that updates made on the Master sheet are promptly reflected in individual team spreadsheets.

Crucially, Sheetgo automations maintain the integrity of your original files by transferring data without altering them, ensuring complete traceability throughout your workflow and preserving data integrity and reliability.

Automations steps

Automations are built by combining and customizing different steps: the source, the data processor, and the destination. It's in these options that you will tell Sheetgo where to find the data that you want to work if it needs to do some type of enhancement on the data, and to where this data should be sent to.


When building a Sheetgo workflow the first thing you need is a source, which is the original document where the application will look for the data that needs to be transferred. The source can be:

  • Single file (Google Sheet, Excel, CSV or TSV)

  • Multiple files

  • Folder where your spreadsheets are located

  • BigQuery database


When selecting a spreadsheet as a source you will also need to specify which tab the data is at. You can choose only one tab or multiple ones, depending on your needs.

Data processor

Using different data processors within your automation can unlock new possibilities for managing your data. These tools enable you to merge, split, join, and filter multiple spreadsheets, ensuring efficient and effective data handling throughout your automation processes.


The destination step is where you need to specify what Sheetgo will do with the data that was collected from the source and enhanced with the data processors. You can opt to:

Send to




A single file (Google Sheet, Excel, CSV)




Multiple files




You can choose to have the destination as a multiple-step process, you can set it to send the data to a spreadsheet, that would later be used to generate a document, a PDF, and shared via email.

Automation types

By combining various sources, data processors, and destination options, you can create automations that achieve specific goals within your workflow. Sheetgo enables you to build customized solutions by integrating multiple automations into a single workflow. This allows you to establish a comprehensive system capable of extracting, enhancing, and distributing data effectively.

Single automation: send data from a single source spreadsheet to one destination spreadsheet.

Gather: send data from multiple sources to a single file.

Merge: copy data from multiple sources to one destination tab.

Merge from a folder: consolidate data from sources inside a folder to one destination tab.

Distribute: send the same data from one source to multiple files.

Split: distribute data from one source file to multiple destination files.

Split into folder: distribute data from one source file to multiple files inside the same folder.

BigQuery: using an SQL language, copy data from a table in Biqquery to a destination tab.

Filter: separate the data from your source file based on one or a set of conditions, a query, or a cell color.

Left-join: join data from multiple sources using a unique identifier to connect the data of different columns.

Generate document: use the data from a spreadsheet to populate a template document with only the relevant data you need.
Generate PDF: turn your spreadsheet and documents into a PDF.
Send an email: send your spreadsheets, documents, or PDF to a specific email or multiple recipients.
Share via email: share the files from your automations with whoever needs to receive the spreadsheet, document, or PDF.

Sheetgo automations offer users a versatile toolkit to streamline data workflows effectively, they empower users to tailor systems to specific project requirements, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their daily routines.

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